
dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Oranje / Orange

Met het EK voetbal om de hoek zie je hier in Nederland steeds meer oranje opduiken. Dat inspireerde Carla tot het kleurenthema van deze week: Oranje! 
With the European Soccer Championships around the corner you see more and more orange (our national color) here in the Netherlands. This inspired Carla for this week's colortheme: Orange! 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. When I saw this challenge on a friend's blog I just knew I wanted to enter into it...taking me out of my comfort zone of pastels was a challenge in itself and so enjoyed it...thanks for having me...♥

  2. Thank you for the fun challenges. Good luck in the European Soccer Championships. Blessings!

  3. Brilliant challenge!!
    Great cards from the DT!xx
